Now enrolling for Summer 2024 and the 2024-25 School Year

Since 1991, Kiddie Kare A’Kademie’s passionate teaching staff has been dedicated to helping Kenosha’s children reach their development goals in a warm caring environment. Our one-on-one classroom interaction and hands-on learning experiences prepare your child developmentally and socially for kindergarten. We value our great communication with parents and work with you to provide your child access to age appropriate activities and learning through play. Call for your tour today!

  • Breakfast and 2 Healthy Snacks Daily

  • 2 Outdoor Fenced in Play Areas
  • Secure Entrance to Building
  • Transportation to and from Jeffrey Elementary for PreK thru 5th grade classes. Care provided year round, including days off of school, winter break, spring break and summer
  • Age appropriate curriculum, learning through play and field trips
  • Open Monday through Friday 6:00 am to 5:30 pm

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Daycare General Policies

  • We do not serve any peanut, tree nut, or other nut products at the daycare. Please make sure that all bag lunches, morning snacks, etc. do not include peanuts as a main flavor (PB&J sandwiches, etc.) Bag Lunch is required on field trip days and on days indicated on the school calendar.
  • Please do not keep your car running while you are inside the school – WITHOUT A LICENSED DRIVER INSIDE.
  • Help us to keep our school and grounds clean and safe for your child and others. Please do not throw your cigarette butts or trash on our parking lot–children have tendencies to place things in their mouths.
  • Speak to our teacher and staff members with respect and conduct yourselves with dignity. Children learn most by what they see and experience.
  • Please refrain from talking on your phone while inside the school.
  • Keep all personal information current in our files. Any changes in information provided in your child’s registration packet must be kept current.

It is against the law to bring a child to school (or any other public place) if they are (or are suspected of being) contagious.   Please call the school when your child is absent. Children are NOT to be brought to school with any of the following:

  • Fever of 101 degrees or above.  They must be FEVER FREE, without the use of any medications, for a minimum of 24 hours before they are brought back to school.
  • They have any condition that may be suspected of being contagious, such as:
    • Suspected of having the Flu or Swine Flu – MUST stay home and bring in a doctor’s note of release before they can return to school.
    • Pink Eye – wake up with crusty eyes, a white or green discharge from the eye.  The white of the eye appears pink/red.  The child must be on a doctor prescribed medication for a minimum of 24 hours before they can return to school.
    • Chicken Pox – Your child is contagious for one week PRIOR to breaking out with red spots, they may run a low-grade fever during this time.  The red spots will generally first appear under the arms and/or in the groin area.  They cannot return to school until all the red spots are thoroughly scabbed over – usually a minimum of 7 to 10 days after the spots first appear.
    • Diarrhea – if your child has had diarrhea within the past 24 hours under any circumstances.
    • Vomiting – if your child has vomited within the past 24 hours.
    • An Unidentified Rash of any kind – must get a doctor’s note of release before they can return to school.

Medication & Sunscreen- when bringing them to school:

  • MUST be in their Original Container.  You must fill out a Medication or Sunscreen Release Form IN FULL and give it to the teacher on duty at the time of arrival.
  • Release Forms are only good for dates listed on the release form.  If your child needs to contine taking their medication, another Release Form must be filled out IN FULL.  If your child is sick and you would like to credit your account a sick day, please fill out the appropriate form, found on the Sign In/Out Table, and place it in the Office mailbox.

These guidelines are set by the DHSS not Kiddie Kare A’Kademie.  We must adhere to them fully!!

We do not “automatically” close on Kenosha Unified School Snow Days, but if the weather is forecasted to be treacherous for our teachers to drive to work, we will be closed. For school closing information you can refer to our Parent Group & all classrooms private groups on Facebook. We will. Call in our snow days no later than 5:00 AM. You do pay for snow days unless a vacation/sick day credit is applied. In order to apply these credits, you need to fill out the appropriate forms. See “Sick Days” Tab.

Kiddie Kare A’Kademie will be closed on the following days: Labor Day, Thanksgiving, Friday after Thanksgiving, Christmas Day, New Years Day, Good Friday, Memorial Day & Independence Day. You pay for these days unless a sick day or a vacation day credit is applied. In order to apply these credits, you need to fill out the appropriate form.

Every child receives one vacation week per year. The entire week can be divided into individual days. Your child cannot attend school on vacation days. You are not eligible for your first years vacation days until your child has attended for a minimum of six months. Vacation days are non-accumulative. If they are not used during the time allotted, they will become void. # of vacation days = 1 weeks attendance.

The number of sick days you receive per year depends upon your child’s Kiddie Kare A’Kademie Contract.

  • Sick days are available starting on your child’s 1st day of school.
  • Sick days are non-accumulative year to year.

The number of individual days allotted are as follows for children enrolled for:

  • 5 days per week receive – 3 sick + 5 vacation days per year
  • 4 days per week receive – 2 sick + 4 vacation days per year
  • 3 days per week receive – 2 sick + 3 vacation days per year
  • 2 days per week receive – 1 sick + 2 vacation days per year

Vacation Days and Sick Days renew on the anniversary of your child’s 1st day at school.

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Daycare Security Policies

At Kiddie Kare A’Kademie, each child’s safety is very important to us! In order to ensure their safety, we make sure each child has their own Emergency Card on file in their classroom. Each Emergency Card has the following information listed, taken directly from their Registration Form at time of enrollment:

  • Child’s name, address, phone number, and birth date.
  • List of Allergies.
  • Parent’s names, workplace, and phone number.
  • People ALLOWED to pick up the child.
  • Emergency names and numbers listed in case parents cannot be reached.
  • People NOT ALLOWED to pick up the child.
  • All additional information.

When a person arrives to pick up a child from our daycare, we refer to these cards, to verify that the person is listed as a viable pick-up. When a child first starts attending, the teachers will refer to these cards even when a parent arrives, until they get to know them. We will ask to see a driver’s license.

If you call in with a person to pick up your child, we will ask for a description over the phone and they must bring a picture ID.

You may bring in pictures of people listed on the enrollment form to keep on file along with your child’s Emergency Card.

Current Discounts – One Discount per Family

Multiple Siblings Discount

Multiple Siblings Discount

Must have one or more children enrolled, receive $10 off the oldest child each week.

Military:police:fire Discount

Military / Police / Fire Discount

Active Military, Police, and Fire Department Families, receive $10 off each week, as our “thank you.”
